I oversee all Tufts Archival Research Center staff, collections, and services with primary responsibility for strategic direction, planning, management, and collection development.
I manage our digital archives, seeing born-digital objects through their lifecycle, from acquisition to preservation to access. I am also responsible for web archiving and caring for legacy digital media.
I manage TARC's public services operations to support research, teaching, and learning in the department and at the University. I oversee Reading Room operations, on-site and remote reference services, and in-person and online outreach efforts. I also oversee TARC's active teaching program, connecting faculty and students with resources in the archives.
I am the archivist and lead researcher for the Slavery, Colonialism, and Their Legacies at Tufts initiative, a university-wide collaborative project examining the school's historical ties to enslavement in Massachusetts and beyond, the long presence and experiences of African descended and indigenous students on the university’s campuses, and Tufts' relationships with the historic Black and Afro-Native communities of Charlestown, Medford, Somerville, Boston, and Grafton.
I support and promote access to TARC's collections by facilitating public services and helping in-person and remote users connect with our resources. I field reference questions from members of the Tufts community and the public, support our teaching program by providing instruction to Tufts students, and assist in managing TARC's digital and in-person outreach programs.
I work with our digitization initiatives -- this includes project management and development and implementation of policies, procedures, and workflows. I work with our repository, the Tufts Digital Library, and oversee Newspapers@Tufts and our digital exhibits. I am a member of the TARC public services team and manage our patron digitization program, and am the point person for our content warning policies and procedures. I also serve on the Advisory Committee for the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC).
I help Tufts offices and departments effectively manage University records by providing guidance about records retention, secure and efficient storage, and confidential destruction. I also assist staff and student organizations in identifying inactive records with long-term value to Tufts that should be transferred to the Archives. And I oversee accessioning of new acquisitions, which includes oversight of initial description and processing to facilitate discovery and access by researchers. Please contact me with questions about managing University records or to schedule a consultation. You can also contact me if you would like to donate or transfer records to TARC.
I manage transfers and donations of new material to the archives from departments, student groups on campus, and other donors, as well as ensure that all incoming collections receive a baseline level of description to ensure discovery and access. If you would like to donate or transfer records to TARC, please contact me.
I assist with archival processing, reference services, and other special projects that support the Tufts Archival Research Center’s administrative and collection stewardship responsibilities. I respond to general inquiries about the archives and research resources available at TARC.
I process, describe, and ensure long-term access to TARC’s analog and digital archival collections, including Tufts University records and manuscript material donated by faculty, students, alumni, and other members of the Tufts community. My work is guided by a user-centered, access-driven approach to processing. I also contribute to our web archiving and digital preservation initiatives.