The Society of American Archivists held their annual conference in Chicago, IL from August 22 through August 27. Many of the DCA staff were able to attend this conference and presented on a variety of topics:

Anne Sauer:
Research Forum presentation (with Mary O. Murphy, Radcliffe Institute): Collaborative Creativity: The Radcliffe Workshop on Technology and Archival Processing

Susanne Belovari:
Research Forum presentation: Collecting, Describing and Exhibiting: Provenance, Context, and Original Title at the Field Museum of Natural History, 1893-1996

Session: Practical Approaches to Born-Digital Records: What Works Today

Eliot Wilczek:
Research Forum (with Heather Soyka, University of Pittsburg): Documenting Conflicts in the 21st Century

Veronica Martzahl:
Session: Open-Source Tools for Taming Records Management

In addition to the formal program, the conference allows time for staff to reconnect with former DCA colleagues and friends. Around every corner, you could run into former interns, Simmons students and staff members.

Current and former DCA staff at the SAA reception at the Chicago Field Museum